Simply Suhandy

Monday, December 17, 2007

Asian Idol is Born

Idolatry is definitely a serious sin. Hey.. it is stated in the 10 commandments, and further, throughout the Bible, we can see the entire history of Israel, how they experienced countless rises and falls because of this thing called - idolatry. In the early churches, idolatry too, is a serious thing discussed by the apostles in their letters.

But.... let's see what we have today. Ever since the start of American Idol, a program that supposedly chose the talented singer - that can be idolized, this idol-thingie has swept the entire world, and the world is taking it. Yes, including the Christian World.

Why am I saying so? The way that the show is being commented. The way that each singer is being discussed. The songs they sung, the gestures they made. It is all over the discussion boards. Even in Christian communities, faithful and devoted church goers discussed about them too. The Idol, while it is a seasonal-temporal thing, has become the hottest topic.

How about the singers themselves? many of the contestants are Christian, and a lot of the times, the winners are. To prove their talent is one thing, but to be idolized by people, are they stealing glory from God, who gave them the very talent itself? Sure, they can argue that they cannot control every people. For Christian admirers, they can argue that they just 'appreciate' the talents of the singer, but are they really sure? For non-mature to admire them beyond the gods, it is just something that they cannot control, can they? If they can't control, should they continue to do it? Read Luke 17:1-4

Let's look at the entire show from another perspective.
1. Men, created by God, with an inner tingling and need to worship. The show, created an idol candidate for them. Thus, they are satisfied.
2. The contestants, with talents given by God, are giving their best. They can, either return the Glory to God, or swallow it whole for themselves.
3. What about the organizers, especially the Telcos?

The license to carry out the Idol in one country is about 1 Million USD. It is a sure win business. And so TV stations are fighting for the right to run the show. The Idol, has become a brand name. As a popular show, the commercial slot is priced at the top. But there is something far more profitable than that. It is the sms and phone calls.

In US, I observed that the way that they conducted the Idol, is slightly different.
1. Viewers are prohibited to call or sms during the show, before all the contestants have performed. The MC especially stressed that.
2. Each call or sms is charged at standard rate
3. Each phone is allowed to make only one specific vote.

In Singapore, and the Asian Idol last night.
1. Viewers, are encouraged to call or sms, even possibly, before any contestant started to sing.
2. Each call or sms is charged at prime rate, 60 cents or more, compared to standard rate of 5 cents
3. Each phone is allowed to make multiple/unlimited vote.

The producer and telcos at the end of the entire show will:
1. give a bit fame or glory to the contestants and winner
2. satisfy the crowd by giving them an idol (Aaron and Israelites at Mount Sinai?)
3. earn a gross amount of money, legally.

Let's face it, if it is about talent, Professional jury should suffice. If it is about supporter, each person one vote should suffice. By allowing each person to vote multiple, it is about Money, and Money only.

The Idol that is in charge of and controlling the entire Idol program around the world, is not the winner. The master mind behind all of these, is Money, the great Idol.


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