How to Clean Leafy Greens - for my wifey
Green leafy vegetables such as kale, chard, collards and mustard greens are rich in vitamins C and A and also fiber and antioxidants. They are tasty and nutritious. Don't let the cleaning process stop you from purchasing and cooking these healthy vegetables. It may take a little work, but once you clean and cook them you'll be pleased with the results.
Remove the greens from the stalk. Green leafy vegetables usually come on stalks where much of the dirt and grit hide. Removing the leaves makes it easier to clean them.
Fill the sink with cold water. Don't use warm water because it begins to cook the vegetables. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach react quickly to heat.
Place all greens into the sink. If you purchased a large batch of greens, you might not be able to fit them all in the sink at once. Fit as much as you can and let them soak for 5 to 10 minutes. Swish them around periodically to dislodge any dirt or sand tucked in the leaves.
Drain the water and feel the bottom of the sink for sand and grit. If there is a lot of dirt or grit, clean out the sink and repeat the process. Continue the process until the bottom of the sink is free from debris.
Check the greens for dirt one more time. Once you are comfortable they are clean, dry them and prepare your favorite recipe.
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