Simply Suhandy

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The search is over, it is done

The past few months have been tiring and stressing for both me and Susan.

We are glad, that the search for the church is finally over.

We are thankful, that God still gives us option to choose. In a way, the choices are available for us to compare, not just in term of pay package, but also in many other ways:
1. Ministry exposures and responsibilities
2. Room for character development
3. Consideration for future ministries

As what I have said to anyone who asks me, Yes, money is important, but it is not everything. When our basic needs for living are not covered, even if the church can provide for all the three above, it is very hard to take on any church. But, when the basic needs are covered, we can choose with a cool head without worrying about our stomachs.

After praying, thinking, and even taking advice from many sincere friends, teachers and family members, we have decided to take on the CNEC church. Yes, it is small, but it means that there will be room for me to grow together with the church. Yes, the pay is less, but it means that there will be chance for me to see how God can bless me more. Yes, it is very far from my current house in Ghim Moh, but that means I need to sleep early and wake up early and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Most importantly, both me and Susan felt that the environment is suitable for us to start our family (many young couples), and enables me to develop my interests and passions better, and last but not least, the church is mission-ready and may open the door for us to serve in the mission field.

I guess, the same principal is applicable to anyone finding a secular job. If there are two jobs available, one is giving you, say 2k and the other 4k (I am not saying these are the offers given by the two churches). If 2k is not enough to cover for your family needs, than you have to take 4k. But if the offers are 4k and 8k, whereby 4k is already more than sufficient and 8k will require you to work 80-90 hours a week, require to cheat, to have 0 family time... then it is clear that you should avoid 8k.

Well, maybe some people will disagree with me. some will rationalize, saying "I can earn more money now, and save them, and later when I retire I will enjoy a good life, both me and my family and my children. I may give more for the church and mission as well!" My friend, if you are thinking along this line, then I beg you to rethink again.

Just as the parable told by Jesus about the rich man building a new storeroom, we can never be sure whether we will live past 50 years old. We do not even know whether we will wake up tomorrow or not. Further, the time with the family is so precious, that no money in the world can buy them back once you lost them. Even further, human greed knows no bound, once you have 8k, what makes you think you are going to stop after 50? you will work for more, and more and bring all your wealth into the coffin with you.

Be contented. That is the key to the happy life, not more money.

pray that we will always trust in God to cover all our needs: spiritual, physical, emotional, financial and all.


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