Simply Suhandy

Monday, February 01, 2010

Visiting BodyWorlds @ Singapore Science Center

"I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God"

This is taken from Psalm 139:14 of the Bible. Indeed, how true is this sentence! As we look at the creations, we cannot help but to amaze at the details in the creations of God: the beautiful flower, the four seasons, the spider web. Sure, some may believe that all these are due to coincidental incidences that occurs over the spans of millions of years... but I will stand by my faith, that I was made by my God, who loves me and cares for me.

Last Saturday, me and Susan visited the BodyWorlds exhibition at Singapore Science Center. This is my second visit to the same exhibition, the first one was maybe 4-5 years ago in Singapore ExPo. Anyway, I do not think that I have blogged the previous one, so I had better put this down this time.

If you have not been to one, then it is good for you to grab the chance to visit, while the exhibition is still on, that is until early march. The exhibition featured preserved REAL human bodies, skeleton, faetus, that are so carefully treated to reveal the muscles, the arteries, even the nerve systems and internal organs, of mainly people, but including some animals as well. It may seem like a taboo for someone, but believe me, it is definitely very educational.

The first disappointments to all (including you) is that we were not allowed to take pictures inside the exhibition, so, there will be no posting of pictures here :).

Do you know that an embryo started to have a 'heart' at the age of 4 weeks, and at the end of 8 weeks, basically all the internal organs of an embryo is there already? It is both fun and fascinating to look at the tiny little figures and wonder how they were being woven inside the mother's womb. They are so small, but they are so real and already formed like human... how can some people just anyhow decides to kill them because of inconvenience? of their sins?

Following the small embryos, there were other fetus, from the age of 3-8 months, which are almost ready to be delivered. At this point, I wondered, what happened that may have caused the babies to be exhibited here? the mom was killed in a car accident? definitely not an abortion, for an abortion at the pregnancy of 8 months will certainly kill the mother.

There is an exhibition of "The Artist", a figure posing as an artist in the midst of drawing a picture. The figure is used to illustrate the function of the eyes in perceiving the lights and figuring out the imageries.

There is an exhibition of "The ChessPlayer", a figure posing a chessplayer in deep thought before a chessboard. The figure is used to illustrate the function of the brain and the nerves all over the body.

There is an exhibition of "The Dancer", a figure in the midst of a dancing sequence. Illustrating how the muscles reacted with one another.

Then we discovered a most upsetting truth. The truth behind the reasons why we never received Christmas presents for the past years :(( We found "Santa Claus", fully 'preserved' and presented by ways of his skeleton, muscles, and internal organs. He was accompanied by two of his beloved reindeers, which are, of course, preserved as well. The Fat Santa is used to illustrate the digestive systems, and how accumulating fat can be damaging and causing the arterries to thicken due to cholesterols.

There are still other figures presented, like a person holding his entire skin, which is the heaviest organ of a human body. Another person getting ready to take a shower. A gymnast in the midst of a routine with the Rings, two gymnasts in a balancing act (the female in horizontal position, balancing on the single palm of the male partner). and so on.

There are also displays of human organs in a more detailed fashion. Bones are presented from Head to toe. Brains, hearts, livers, kidneys, lungs, spleens, intestines, colons, duodenums, eyes, ears, are all displayed and explained in great details.

Last but not least, there are some animals presented as well. A huge horse, reindeers (belonging to the Fat Santa), a rabbit, a few chickens, a giraffe and a giant squid split into two, displaying all the sucking discs and insides.

Just a few more facts before I close this blog:
1. It took about 1500 man-hours to finish preparing a corpse and make it ready for exhibition
2. The human bodies presented in the exhibition are donated, mainly by the deceased before their deads, knowing well that bodies will be used for educational purpose.

Looking and gone through all these, it is quite hard to imagine how all these, all our internal organs, how the complex circuits of nerve, blood, digestive systems are woven, apart from a Great Architect, Designer, that is God. To trust all these happened because of cosmic accidents, is something, which I regard as illogical, even in scientific terms.


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