Simply Suhandy

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Very Tired....

"You always looked very tired", a friend commented.

He is not joking. For nowadays, regardless of whether it is morning, afternoon, or evening, I always feel tired, sleepy. And why is that so?

Normally, I will sleep around 2 am and wake up at 6.30 am. If there are quizzes or assignments to be completed, I may end up sleeping at 3 am, or even not sleeping at all. And that happens through out the weekdays.

Only in the weekends, I can have proper rest of more than 5 or 6 hours.

And why is it that I have to study until so late?
1. I am a slow learner
2. There are just way too many assignments
3. The time is adequate, it is just that I am not efficient in my works

I tends to think that my problem is the third one. I can't really sit down to study properly, or do something, unless the urgency is there. I am more of a pressure-driven person, which is not entirely good, if I want to work as a pastor or missionary.

So, for starter, I think it is good if I can get organized in my studies and plan out my work schedules accordingly. Easier said than done of course. Let's see what do I have now:

1. OT 2: Presentation: Friday, 10 Oktober, (volunteer work, no grade). Group presentation on the book of Proverbs
2. Teaching Learning Process: Wednesday 15 Oktober. Reflection paper due (3 pages)
3. NT Exegesis: Luke-Acts: 30 October. Reading Summary due (8 articles x 300 words each)
4. OT 2: 31 October: Reading summary due (Job, Psalms, Proverbs)
5. NT Exegesis: Luke-Acts: 13 November: Exegetical Paper Due ( 10-12 pages)
6. Teaching Learning Process: 14 November: Group Project assignment due
7. NT Theology: Luke-Acts: Reading Summary due for 20 articles. Deadline - unknown
8. NT Theology: Luke-Acts: Theological Paper. Due date on 14th or 15th week

Lastly: OT2, Biblical Hebrew: 11 November : Exam

Yeah, those are the big 'targets' awaiting in the weeks to come, not forgetting that each week there are small 'targets' like NT exegesis quiz every thursday, and Hebrew quizzes every tuesday and friday.

I do hope that everything will turn out fine. I want to serve God with a cheerful heart. If I am always too tired, I have no capacity to bless others, and worse still, I end up hurting others who are close to me. May God help me.


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