Simply Suhandy

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Church Opportunities

My housemate exclaimed the other day:
"what??!! you need to go for interview to be a pastor??"

The idea seems so strange, if not totally absurd to her.
I can hardly blame her for her responses.
From her charismatic background, it is not a requirement for someone to study Theology in order to become a pastor, it is definitely weird to conceive the idea that pastors need to seek employment

But, is her response really that strange after all?

As I started my journey as a student I faced similar incredulous responses. On one hand, people seems to admire us for starting on this 'holy' journey, but on the other hand questioning the sanity of our mind for giving up a high-paying job. Yet, at the same time, when we are facing difficulties, they can say "just trust in the Lord and He will provide" without bothering to think, how God is going to help if it is not through them.

The fact is, we live among such Christians even in our churches today.

Thankfully, not all are like that. There are still many good people around who tried to help me as I struggled to find new church to serve.

At the moment, there are two opportunities opening:
1. A BP church with 300+ members and a pastor. I will be required to help with the pastor managing the cellgroup 50% of the time and the remaining time assisting the pastor in other areas.
2. A CNEC church with about 50+ members without a pastor. I will be required to perform most or all of the task of the pastor, and on top of that some extra curricular activities the church has with the neighboring secondary schools.

pray that I will be able to choose wisely between the two churches, and the process will be smooth, so that I will be able to work in the church joyfully, fruitfully, glorifying God and in a healthy manner for my future household


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