Simply Suhandy

Friday, January 22, 2010

Depression, Stress and Bed

I have been feeling very tired these past few days
I have been skipping school... I do not feel that I have energy to wake up
to do the homework and I even feel lazy to prepare breakfast...

Why is that so?
Part of it is because I am stressed
I always feel stressed when I need to submit a paper
I fear writing paper

Part of it is because I felt overwhelmed
by so many things that is happening around me
To find a church to serve
To finish all the assignments, readings
To prepare for wedding and so on

Part of it is because of my bed condition
Few months ago, I replaced my 'prince bed' which is 11" thick, but sunken in the middle
with an older King Koil, 10" thick, which felt okay
but before I knew it, two months down the road, it sunk in the middle again
I could not get a good sleep, because the back support is not there...
so I supposed, the problem does not lie on the mattress, but on the bed rack underneath

Thankfully, my housemate returned to Indonesia today
I tried the bed next door, and it felt like 'heaven'...
I am going to sleep there tonight onwards
I am not going to move in the paraphernalia like laptop and other stuff
I hope that I can get a good night sleep..
and my stress, depression, fatigue will all go away... or so, I hope..


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