Simply Suhandy

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wedding PhotoShoot: Beware....

Today we went to see the pictures taken during our pre-wedding photoshoot
and it will be one of the most stressful event that I shall remember...
so here, I would like to inform some of my friends (or reader) on this

When we sign up for the contract with the bridal, we were thrilled that we received a good offer
subsequently, we were very happy, when we were given extra costumes during wedding photoshoot ... and we were even more happy, when we did more outdoor photoshoot locations...
but today we kinda, not really regret, but need to rethink again...

you see, for our wedding package, we are entitled to 30 poses of photos, and an album of 13 pages x 2, or you can say 13 designs. Normally, for each designed page, there will be at least 3 poses. So if you have 13 pages, that means you need to select 39 poses, or around there... so, by default, the bridal studio will urge you to get 9 more poses. Each additional pose, according to the agreement, will cost between 60-80 dollars, depending on how you negotiate in the first place.

So, how many different costumes we have taken?
indoor: 2 x wedding gown, 2 x evening gown, 1 x traditional costume, each costume may have more than one background
outdoor: 4-5 locations, each location may have 2-3 backgrounds

In the end, we took more than 170 pictures, and 120 pictures were presented to us today.
if we take all (we will be crazy), that means we need to fork up additional 90 x 65, about 6000 SGD... oh my...

The consultant, cleverly explained to us the benefits of having additional albums, which costs only 3K more.. etc etc.. and when she presented the pictures to us, she did it in a way, that makes us think we must have all the good photos.. but we were so tight in budget, we cannot afford to pay that money...

First round of selection, we chose about 80 out of the 120
We knew we chose too much, we went back to eliminate more, and we have 49
now, at this wonderful juncture, the boss step in and calculated that we only need to pay 1200 or so... (probably my food money for the next 4 months). We say, no no.. we need to be cruel and ruthless, we need to cut down...
so, we cut down some of the pictures we love, some of the pictures that look so nice... and in the end we have 36 pictures... At that point, we believe that we have a fair amount of pictures for a 13 page album, about 2-3 pictures at each page.

But that means we still need to pay additional 6 x 65 dollars. Thankfully, because we do not need to use the bridal car from the studio, we can offset 4 of the pictures, and we only need to top up 130 dollars. It is still quite costly, but we guess, it is the sacrifice that we needed to make...

so, friend, if you happen to read this... do not be overly happy if you are granted additional costume for the wedding shoot, or granted an additional location, for all that may mean additional money to you...


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