Simply Suhandy

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Power of Image and Imagination

Imagination, is a gift from God that we seldom use. Ever since the invention of alphabet, many visual images that human ever know are reduced to letters and words. In reading those words, depending on how developed is a person's right brain, he or she may understand the text differently.

In today's world, many adults are accustomed to the way things are, and refused to imagine the unthinkable, the unconventional things. Those who are willing to venture out of the box, will become the leader of their field. Those who dare not to imagine, they will certainly be mere followers.

Not only does imagination can help a person to be more creative in a career or research as mentioned above, imagination is beneficial to human beings in money other ways.

Tony Buzan, an expert who wrote many books on how to maximize the brain's power to memorize things, speed reading, mind mapping, explained that if we can combine the functions of both the left brain and right brain together, we can remember up to 10thousand items, if we want to try.

The key to remember or memorize? Imagination. A series of unrelated numbers or a string of illegible characters become so easy to remember, if we want to take another step - to imagine.

David Eckman, a Christian writer who specializes in the psycho-emotional health of a person said that most Christians are not performing well, as they should be, because they may not have a good mental image of the presence of Christ in their life.

In his book, Becoming Who God Intended, David vividly described how, by putting the image of Jesus in certain of our struggles with Sin, by remembering how vividly Jesus was nailed on the cross at the point when we are sinning, by imagining how God was saying to us that Jesus is there to died for this sin, the sin that we are committing at the moment, that we can truly feel and be as a Christian should be.

J.I. Packer in his book Knowing God, says that many do not really understand about the extend of the wrath of God, and therefore they do not feel they need to repent. Perhaps by giving the unbelievers some mental images (like how the Bible described hell), then they will be able to realize the consequences of their unbelief.

If you are still considering sin, and do not understand how detestable is our sin to such a holy being as God, try to imagine this. Imagine a creepy animal that you don't like. Maybe rat, mosquito or cockroach. You may not fear the insect or animal, but you feel disgusted when you see them. Especially if they are in your shirt or pants which you are wearing. Picture this.

Now, think from God's perspective. The sins that we are committing, are to God, as the cokroach is to us. It is that disgusting, and maybe 100 times more. How can God allow us, people who are full of cokroaches, to come near Him who is so perfect, so holy? If you do not want any cokroach in your shirt, do you think God wants you to sin?

May we be able to use our ability to imagine, to help us to become a better man, and a better follower of Christ.


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