Simply Suhandy

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Blessing in Disguise - 塞翁失马,焉知非福

(sai4 weng1 shi1 ma3, yan1 zhi1 fei1 fu2)

Literally, this classic Chinese idiom means: Although Sai Weng (name of the person) lost a horse, but who knows it is not for his own blessing?

This classic idiom comes to my mind, as I was reflecting my new year with H1N1 in the previous article.

The idiom is by itself a summary of the story that goes like this:

Long time ago, at the northern border of China, lived an old wise man who goes by the name of 塞翁 (Sai Weng). One day, his horse ran away from the stable, crossed the border and entered the region or the barbarians. Knowing this, all his relatives and friends came over and comforted him. But he wasn't worried, instead he laughed and said,"Although my horse is gone, how do we know that it is not a good thing?"


A few months has passed, the lost horse suddenly returned. Not only that, it brought another great barbarian horse with it. When the neighbors heard about this, they came over and congratulated him. But SaiWeng frowned and said,"I gain this great stead for nothing, it may not be a good thing at all!"

塞 翁有个儿子很喜欢骑马,他有一天就骑着这匹胡地来的骏马出外游玩,结果一不小心从马背上摔了下来跌断了腿,邻居们知道了这件意外又赶来塞翁家,慰问塞翁, 劝他不要太伤心,没想到塞翁并不怎么太难过、伤心,反而淡淡的对大家说:“我的儿子虽然摔断了腿,但是说不定是件好事呢!”   邻居每个人都莫名 其妙,他们认为塞翁肯定是伤心过头,脑筋都糊涂了。

SaiWeng has a son who loved horse-riding. One day, he rode this barbarian horse to go out for a tour. Unfortunately, because of his carelessness, he fell from the horse and broke his leg. When the neighbors heard about this, they came over to SaiWeng's house to comfort him, and asked him not to be sad. Shockingly, the old man was not sad, but plainly replied to the visitors,"though my son has broken his leg, but it may still be a good thing, you know!" The neighbors were puzzled, they thought that the old man was too saddened and could not think clearly.

过了不久,胡人大举入侵,所有的青年男子都徵调去当兵,但是胡人非常的剽悍,所以大部分的年轻男子都战 死沙场,塞翁的儿子因为摔断了腿不用当兵,反而因此保全了性命,这个时候邻居们才体悟到,当初塞翁所说的那些话里头所隐含的智慧。

Not long after that, the northern barbarians started to invade the border. All able-bodied man were drafted for military service. But because the barbarians were too strong, most of the young men died in the battle. SaiWeng's son could not join the army because of his broken leg, and because of that, he kept his life. Only then the neighbors realized the wisdom hidden in the word spoken by this wiseman.


Whether it is blessing in disguise or not, as human being, we are so limited and finite that we can never foresee what will happen in the future. We can only trust in the One who is infinite, in control, and know about the future... and that is God.

Blessings - may come in material form, may come in terms of promotion, perks, money and so on.. but it may not be so all the time. Sometimes, disaster and sickness can be a form of blessings too.

So, what should we do now? should we doubt every good thing that happens to us? or should we always look at the dark and gloomy thing to praise God? There are three things that we can do:
1. Giving thanks to the Lord always for all the good things and the bad things that is happening around us,
2. trusting Him that He is in control
3. knowing that He loves us

God bless

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Year 2011 that Begins with H1N1

I was supposed to preach on the Beatitudes today, about the true meaning of being blessed. But God has another plan, that forced me to stay in my bed - by allowing me to contract the H1N1 swine flu virus.

Diagnosed with H1N1

It all began since Christmas event of the church, when I started to feel unwell. After the event, and the next day's Sunday Service, I started to have a high fever. It started with 37.7, and slowly climbed up to 38.3. The paracetamol helped to lower the temperature to slightly below 38, but it did not last long. On Monday, I went to my family doctor, and she prescribed me with standard flu medication.

Because the temperature persists, on Wednesday I returned to the clinic again. To my surprise, the doctor say, since the Christmas (3 days past) she got 4 patients with high fever above 38, and 3 of which were confirmed with H1N1. By her wisdom and experience, she did a swab test on me, and we will wait for the result in the next 24-48 hours.

On Thursday, my temperature started to drop and stabilized below 37 degree, which is pretty much normal. I happily get myself prepared for the ministry I am supposed to participate on 31st December and 2nd January. I mailed the church leaders to announce that I have no problem at all (it's the fourth days I took MC - and they are worried).

On Friday morning 10 am, I received a call from the family doctor, announcing that I am confirmed with H1N1 swine flu. I am required to go to the clinic immediately. I arrived there, and the doctor checked, and was surprised that I show no sign of fever or flu at all. I still have some cough and muscle pain, but it all seem manageable.

She did not prescribe me with any new medication, no tamiflu or what.. she just gave me another 3 days mc, for within this period I may still pass the virus to others. She said, I cannot go to the church for the watchnight service, or the Sunday service.

Blessing in Disguise

I was sad - am still sad - for missing the first service in the New Year of the church. And yet, as I ponder on the Scripture on which I am supposed to preach on, my eyes began to open and see.

I thank God!! for averting a disaster from happening to the church through me. I am supposed to be the channel of blessing to God, by preaching His message, but without His intervention, I may have brought a disaster to the church.

You see, if the doctor - who is a Christian also - did not do a test on me, and the result did not come back on Friday morning, all would think that I have recovered from my flu, and I would be in the Church for both the Watchnight Service as well as the New Year Sunday Service.

There will be tonnes of interactions with the old folks in the Chinese congregation, and mingling with the younger ones in the English congregation; Out of the 120 Chinese congregation, about half are well above 50. Should I pass the virus to these old folks, or the younger ones, I would not know what will happen. Perhaps I will never forgive myself if something bad really happen.

As such, I feel that I am truly blessed by God, for He has prevent such things from happening. I give thank to the Lord for this New Year present, for the H1N1, and especially for reminding me... when something bad happened to you.. it may not be really a bad thing... always look to the cross and God will give you the light to see His purpose in all that is happening around you..

God bless

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